Shelves for Belper War Memorial

We're making good use of the rainy summer by working in our cellar at the Old Post Office. We're building some shelves/steps to give a safe standing for pots of flowers around the War Memorial in the Belper Market Square. The sloping ground is too uneven to stand pots on the ground. That's two large sheets (2.4 x 1.2m) of 9mm OSB sawn, glued and assembled into eight 1.2 metre long double step units, then primed and painted to withstand the weather. With added wood batten reinforcement there's approximately 32 metres of glued and pin-nailed (at 75mm centres) joints. They'll be ready before the July deadline, despite having to do some re-work following flood damage to the steps. The gray pieces of wood are the end plates for the steps hanging to dry after receiving a coat of aluminium wood primer. We've need to provide three coats of paint over 12 square metres. The white uprights are some of the steps painted in white undercoat, waiting for the topco...